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We are very proud to announce that the Iscavets family has expanded! Femke has become the proud mother of a handsome son Wout!

Mum, dad and baby are doing well!

  • Our Cathy recently outlined the vets’ opinion on VTM news. Short-snouts often do have welfare problems due, among other things, to obstructions in their breathing. You can compare it to breathing through a straw.
    You give them quality of life back by having them operated on, preferably in their first months of life. Of course, this comes at a price. And unfortunately, not everything can be normalised.
    Ban everything then? No way.
    There are already many breeders who are making the opposite movement in their breeding programme, back to a head with normal proportions where everything is not crammed together. With a breeding or even keeping ban, you do these people who put animal welfare above looks short. Moreover, imports from abroad cannot be restricted anyway.
    And what do we do with all those other breeds that are also over-bred and therefore have problems that adversely affect both longevity and quality of life? All on the backburner too?
    What can be done?
    More desirable is a ban on their presence in advertising campaigns, films and television programmes (The Masked Singer, does it really have to?). Make BVs and influencers aware of the issue and motivate them not to pose with a short snout. Or even better, get them to sensitise the (future) pet owner about the negative consequences these animals experience. And ensure a charter among breeders who are committed to ensuring healthier animals, even if it means they don’t look the same as we are used to. Animal welfare is ultimately more important than the appearance which, let’s face it, is a fashion statement. They capture our hearts anyway. Nederlanders mogen niet langer honden met korte snuit kopen, zoals mopshond en Franse bulldog | Instagram VTM NIEUWS |
  • Finally it’s here. After the introduction of our new logo in November 2022, we are now very excited to also make our brand new website world famous.
    With a very big thanks to our assistant Améline for building the website and her photography skills.
    Please browse around and be sure to give us feedback!