Iscavets Veterinary Practice has a modern ultrasound machine with colour Doppler. This allows us to look inside the animal. Depending on your animal’s temperament, it is sometimes necessary to give a sedative.
Important: for this examination, your animal should not have eaten in the 12 hours preceding the examination. Water is not a problem. Also, do not allow your animal to urinate shortly before the examination.
For areas where there is a lot of air, ultrasound is less suitable. To get an image of the lungs, a radiography is better. For the abdomen, an ultrasound is more appropriate. It gives you an idea of the tissues themselves, where with a radiograph you only see the outlines of the organs. Moreover, you still have a good view if there is free fluid in the abdomen, where with a radiograph you can’t see anything.

Heart ultrasound
An ultrasound examination of the heart occupies a special place in medical imaging. This special subsection is performed at our clinic by colleague Frederic Bouvez, who visits monthly.

Digital radiography
Radiography is a secondary examination that is ideally suited for viewing bones and lungs. In some cases, it is also the preferred examination for the abdomen, if there is a lot of gas accumulation, for example. Iscavets veterinary practice has a modern digital radiography machine where the images are immediately linked to your animal’s file.
Most radiographs are taken on an awake animal. Nevertheless, sometimes a sedative or even a full anaesthetic is needed. In this case, we will ask you to keep your animal sober.

Dental digital radiography
To work according to standards, dental care is impossible without appropriate radiography equipment. These images provide a picture of the structure of the teeth, of the periodontal ligament, the jawbone and lesions on the roots. Thus, it can be seen which teeth can be saved and which cannot. This is the only way to achieve teeth that are not painful. Because admit it, tooth pain is really no laughing matter.

Other medical imaging
In veterinary medicine, too, developments are ongoing and medical imaging techniques such as a scanner (MRI, CT scan) and endoscopy are now within reach.
If such examinations prove useful and necessary, we are happy to refer you to a more specialised structure for this purpose.