We welcome you if you are looking to buy a pet, so we can have a good chat about which pet and possibly which breed would best suit your domestic situation.
Some considerations…
If you have irregular hours, or little time, a dog is not always appropriate. There are other species that also make nice pets and do not necessarily require routine and regularity like a dog.
If you live in a flat, a golden retriever is probably not the ideal choice.
If you have kids or a lot of people over, then a dog’s temperament is also important.
If you want a cat and it cannot go outside, you will have to invest in making your home cat friendly so that it can still fulfil its basic needs and does not have to live under stress.
Animal type and breed also play a role in the costs you can expect. Buying an animal is usually the least expensive. Added to this are the costs of food, care and the vet.
In short, after a good talk, you will have a clearer idea about the aspects you need to consider when buying a pet and will be less likely to be disappointed.